Sievering Clinic

Competence Centre for Minimally Invasive Medical Services

Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins Care

Tips to relief symptoms of varicose veins

  1. Avoid standing for long periods of time. This will reduce pressure on the valves in the veins in your legs. If you are pregnant of if your occupation puts a lot of stress on your legs, wear support stockings.
  2. While standing get on your tiptoes by lifting your heels off the floor. Do this twenty times, relax for a few minutes, and then repeat. This exercise will strengthen your calf muscles and promote circulation.
  3. Your job or hobby may be the cause of your varicose veins. If you have to stand or sit too long in one position, this may cause circulatory problems. Crossing your legs may greatly enhance your problem, too. Try changing your work or sitting conditions and take the mini-breaks mentioned above. Varicose veins did not happen overnight and alleviating them will take time, too. Be patient.
  4. Heat dilates blood vessels so the veins are more visible after hot showers or baths. Try cool, quick showers morning and evenings instead of hot soaks. Cold compresses can also temporarily hide veins.
  5. Elevating your feet whenever possible will reduce the pressure in your legs. Use a recliner when reading or watching TV, or if you read in bed, elevate your feet with cushions or pillows.
  6. Weight may also be a problem. Exercise and dietary changes to lose weight will be very beneficial to relieving varicose veins.
  7. Jump rope to strengthen the leg muscles and blood vessels. Begin slowly to build up tolerance; jump one minute per session and slowly build up to 5 minutes.
  8. Rubbing your legs with some sort of soothing lotion such as St John’s Wort oil, lanolin, or massage oil will relax the leg muscles and improve circulation. Gently massaging with an upward motion with your palms or fingertips and occasionally squeezing your legs will help force blood out of the veins in your legs and back to the heart.

Changes to make

  1. Constipation is one of the leading causes of varicose veins. Although it may initially be hard to see the connection, let us explain. Constipation may restrict the blood as it returns to the torso through the deep veins in the legs. Straining to have a bowel movement closes off the veins. As the blood backs up it takes another course through superficial veins, thus the blue streaks in the legs. As part of our recommended wellness program, we suggest a diet low in fats and refined carbohydrates, and high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This diet promotes health for the entire body, and, in the case of constipation, the high-fibre diet promotes regularity.
  2. Eat more ginger, garlic and onions. These foods help break down the fibrin surrounding the varicose veins. People with varicose veins have a decreased ability to break down this substance.
  3. Some people recommend going on a juice diet one day a week to improve regularity.
  4. As part of dietary changes a program to lose weight will greatly help prevent or ease varicose vein problems. Carrying too much weight creates extra pressure on your heart and interferes with circulation.
As with so many diseases, there are underlying nutritional problems, that, if corrected, may well alleviate or eliminate the disease.
As with any wellness program, exercise is an important component. Exercise helps promote circulation and improves muscle tone. People with varicose veins need to have moderate exercise as opposed to more strenuous forms, such as high- impact aerobics, jogging, strenuous cycling or other activities that increase the blood pressure in the veins. Walking, 
weight training, low-impact aerobics and swimming are a few of the preferred means of exercise, but anything that helps shift your weight or standing or sitting position will help. If you have a bad problem, take short breaks several times a day and walk around and stretch.

As we age we lose muscle tone and the skin loses its elasticity. Veins that are undergoing pressure from some of the factors mentioned above will have a tendency to bulge out and become noticeable varicose veins. Any form of exercise that will strengthen the legs will help relieve varicose veins. Consistent exercise over several months will generally reduce the 
throbbing and aching often associated with varicose veins.

  1. Ankle turns: Lift your feet off the floor and move your toes in a circle, one foot moving clockwise and the other foot 
moving counter clockwise. Change direction and repeat.
  2. Foot lifts: Place your heels on the floor and bring your toes up as high as you can. Then put both feet back flat on the floor. 
Then pull your heels up while keeping the balls of your feet on the floor.
  3. Knee lifts: While keeping your knee bent, raise your leg while tensing your thigh muscle. Repeat 20 to 30 times, alternating legs.
  4. Shoulder rolls: Raise your shoulders and then move them forward, downward and then backward in a smooth circular movement.
  5. Arm bends: Start with your elbows on the armrests and your hands pointed forward so that your lower and upper arms make a 
90-degree angle. Take turns moving your left and then your right hand toward your chest and back, and continue for 30 seconds.
  6. Knee to chest: Bend slightly forward. Fold your hands together around your left knee and pull it toward your chest. 
Hold this position for 15 seconds and let your knee drop slowly. Change legs and repeat.
  7. Forward bends: Place both feet on the floor and pull your abdomen in. Bend slowly forward and “walk” your fingers along your shins to your ankles. Hold for 15 seconds and sit up slowly.
  8. Upper-body stretch: Stretch both arms over your head. With your right hand, grab your left wrist and pull it slowly to the right. Hold for 15 seconds and change arms.
  9. Shoulder stretch: With your right hand, grab your left elbow and pull your outstretched left arm slowly toward your right shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds and change arms.
  10. Neck roll: Relax your shoulders, let your head drop to your right shoulder and roll your head slowly to the front and then to your left side. Repeat five times.
Clothing that is too tight, including shoes or boots, will restrict circulation and may be the cause of your varicose veins by not allowing the blood to properly flow through your body. Snug fitting girdles, pantyhose, belts, and boots and shoes, especially high-heels, cut off circulation, thus forcing blood to seek alternative routes or causing back-pressure on the veins. Support hose, on the other hand, helps promote circulation. Make sure it is the kind that is tighter at the ankles, gradually decreasing the pressure, as they get higher up the leg. If you can’t find a good over-the-counter brand, they can be medically prescribed.