Lasers have been used for numerous medical applications throughout the body. Recently, a novel technique utilizing laser energy delivered “endovenously” (directly inside the vein) has been developed to treat varicose veins. The use of lasers has become an accepted alternative to surgical stripping to remove varicose veins. A 980 nm diode laser is used to deliver the laser energy via a small laser fibre. The procedure, termed the Endovenous Laser Procedure (EVLP, ELVeS), or Laser ablation (EVLA) is performed under local anaesthesia. A tiny laser fibre is first inserted into the diseased vein through a tiny needle (venipuncture) in the skin similar to blood sampling in a laboratory. After he Laser has been positioned energy is then delivered through the fibre, which causes the vein to close as the fibre is gradually removed.
EVLA is optimal for treatment of: |
ELVeST is also useful in the management of wound care and constitutes an alternative treatment that is free of side effects.
Endovenous Treatment of Sapheneus Veins |
The treatment of venous incompetence of the lower limbs by endovenous laser under ultrasound guidance is easy to perform in either treatment room or operating theatre setting. Using only local anaesthesia it provides a minimally invasive, less traumatic and cosmetically optimal solution to this condition. This endovascular technique leaves no scars and minimises the risk of infection and post-operative pain. Excellent clinical and aesthetic results have been observed with greatly reduced procedure costs. |
How ELVeS works |
Endovenous Treatment of Branch varicosities and reticular veins |
Branch varicosities and reticular veins can also be treated under direct visualization by a similar endovascular technique. This method is faster and more efficient than conventional treatments. The procedure is well tolerated with rapid patient recovery. Experiences in more than 1000 patients have proved a high success rate in vessel closure. Positive patient feedback has been reported 2 additionally attributed to the fact that side effects as skin blanching or pigmental disorders are a non-issue. |
Transcuteneous Treatments of Spider Veins and Telangiectasia |
Anaesthetic Telangiectasia and Spider Veins are frequently observed in patients presenting varicose veins. These tiny veins can be treated transcutaneous with the same laser system combined with the ELVeS focusing hand-piece.
Wound Healing for Venous Ulcer |
Laser light is well known to have beneficial effects on healing wounds. The treatment of wounds with the ELVeS wound healing hand-piece encourages the wound healing process, significantly reducing the healing time.