Patients who have had sclerotherapy have reported little discomfort and are generally pleased with the results. Careful attention to post-procedure care is very important in minimizing complications and maximizing your cosmetic results.
Immediately after each session, compression stocking must be worn. The stockings should be worn 24 hours a day for 3 days. Wear your compression stockings for an additional 2-3 weeks following treatment, putting them on in the morning and removing at night. Fading should continue over the next 2-6 weeks. |
Compression | Compression of the sclerosed vein with graduated compression stockings should be maintained after treatment as outlined above. Compression serves a number of purposes:
Discomfort | Wear compression stockings as prescribed. This alone may eliminate discomfort. Walking will also help, and when needed, topical ointments or mild pain medication may be used (non-aspirin Diclofenac type medication). |
Bruising |
Itching/Swelling at injection site | A small percentage of people may develop an allergic reaction to the sclerosing agents. This occurrence usually resolves with time but occasionally antihistamines may be used. |
Tape Blister or Ulceration | Occasionally a blister type hive may arise at the site of tape dressing or at the site of some leakage of medication. This potential side effect can be unpredictable, but usually resolves within a couple of weeks using topical treatment such as zinc oxide. |
When should I return for evaluation or additional treatment? | You should wait 4-8 weeks between sessions to achieve maximum fading. Ask your doctor or nurse. |